Environmental, social and governance

The Nox Capital sustainability strategy defines and prioritizes material ESG factors, metrics and principal adverse impacts and embeds them along the investment process. The metrics used to assess the principal adverse impacts are based on the annex of the Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation and other established industry standards, such as UN PRI and GRESB.


Our sustainability strategy is generally translated into our ESG policy and fund specific policies. ESG factors, including principal adverse impacts are considered throughout the investment process, from the due diligence phase, to the asset management and the selection of third-party service providers. The selection criteria are in line with regulatory requirements and industry frameworks and guidelines, such as for example UN PRI and UN Global Compact.

  • Investment / development of efficient and sustainable buildings
  • ESG factors are part of the asset management
  • Implementation of energy-efficient renovation and modern technology, if possible and economically justifiable
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions, i.a. through environmentally friendly travel and video conferencing
  • Reduction of energy consumption through tenant education and awareness raising
  • Consideration of tenants’ interests, e.g. formalised through a social charter
  • Compliance with all occupational health and safety laws
  • Social investments in the target areas (e.g. youth development, sports sponsoring, non-profit subsidiary Socialraum)
  • Strengthening of diversity
  • Employee engagement through development opportunities
  • Working with tenants for continuous improvement
  • Compliance with standards, transparency and participation rights of investors
  • Corporate governance is our duty towards all our interest groups (employees, customers, investors, business partners)
  • Risk and compliance systems are firmly anchored in all our business areas
  • Remuneration systems provide long-term incentives to generate enduring benefits for our investors

The BVI’s rules of conduct, which were introduced back in 2003, set voluntary standards and take into account the fiduciary duty that asset managers have towards their investors. The BVI is the German federal association for investment and asset managers. It represents the interests of 116 fund and asset managers with 4 trillion euros in investment capital from private investors, insurance companies, pension funds, banks, churches and foundations. Nox Capital supports the rules of conduct issued by the BVI.

The current version of the conduct of business rules has been in force since 1 July 2019.

Disclosure in alignment with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088

As a financial market participant we are required to comply with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). The Regulation is part of the EU measures for sustainable finance, with which, among other things, the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement are to be achieved. Learn more about the information required to be disclosed in alignment with the SFDR.

Note: Sustainability is meant as an abstract term. For more details, please refer to our documentation.